Timeline of Strathearn Park
1776 Juan Bautista de Anza Expedition to settle Alta California
Santiago Pico and family were with Anza
1795 El Rancho Simi Grant (concession) to Santiago Pico from King of Spain
Casa Vieja built in center of valley
c. 1810 Simi Adobe site probably began to develop
c. 1820-1830 Tapo Rancho – dwellings likely built there
c. 1831 Jose de la Guerra acquired El Rancho Simi
1858 Francisco de la Guerra lived at Simi Adobe
1860s Basque sheepherders lived in Simi Adobe
1888 Simi Landand Water Company formed – land offered for sale
c. 1889 Robert P. Strathearn purchased property
1892-1893 Strathearn House added on to old Simi Adobe
1890s to 1960sCattle ranching and farming carried on by Strathearns
Simi Adobe site was “Home Ranch”
Middle Ranch was in vicinity of present-day Moorpark College
(After 1906) fire which destroyed north room of Adobe
(1997 W & S Consultants believe, due to artifacts found in study in 1997)
1902 Church built at 3rd and Pacific
1910 Church became St Rose of Lima
1968 Marion and Isa Strathearn died. They had lived out their lives at the old Home Ranch. (Dave and his 2 sons also died)
1969 Agreement to joint administration of this historic site by Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District and Simi Valley Historical Society.
1970 Moved Colony House to historical park from Second and Ashland
1971 Moved Simi Library Building from Third and Los Angeles Ave. (next to Simi School)
1982-1983 Relocated and fixed up Wood Ranch Barns
1993 Moved VisitorCenter Building from City
2000, May Moved Montgomery Playhouse from Erringer and Cochran
2000 Moved Currier Apricot Pittng Shed from Royal Ave.
2002 Moved St Rose Church from Third and Pacific
2004, June Purchase of Mt McCoy Cross by Historical Museum
2007 Restoration of StRose Church completed
2007 Moved Manuel Banaga Barbershop from Los Angeles Ave between 3rd and 4th Streets
2012 Restoration of Manual Banaga Barbershop complete